Procedural Order
Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
Effective Date: 7/1/2008
Revised Date: 12/21/2023
The purpose of this procedure is to establish a uniform policy for the reporting,
investigation and review of incidents involving discrimination and harassment
involving Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office employees.
Discrimination in employment against protected classes of people.
• Employees wishing to file a complaint of discrimination or harassment may
utilize any or all the procedures listed in this Complaint Procedure. Complaints
not alleging discrimination or harassment should be pursued through the internal
Three Step Grievance Procedure.
• Use of this Complaint Procedure does not preclude any employee from seeking
recourse through the appropriate state or federal agencies at any time. (See
Section, Reporting to an Agency). Therefore, if an employee wishes to file a
complaint of discrimination or harassment, he/she has the following options:
- File an internal complaint pursuant to this internal Discrimination and
Harassment Complaint Procedure;
-File a complaint directly with the Louisiana Commission on Human
Rights (LCHR) or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
To ensure that all of our workers enjoy a working environment free from
harassment and discrimination, we prohibit any person from harassing or
discriminating against any employee or other worker because of race, color, sex
(whether or not sexual in nature), pregnancy, religion, national origin, age,
disability, veteran status, protected activity (such as opposition to prohibited
discrimination or participation in the statutory complaint process) or any other
basis prohibited by law. Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to:
• Making decisions relating to a person's employment, evaluation, wages,
advancement, assigned duties, or any other conditions of employment
based on race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, national origin, age,
disability, veteran status, protected activity or any other basis prohibited
by law.
• Making offensive or derogatory statements, comments, slurs or gestures
because of a person's race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, national
origin, age, disability, veteran status protected activity or any other basis
prohibited by law.
• Engaging in any other verbal or non-verbal behavior of an offensive or
derogatory nature, because of a person's race, color, sex, pregnancy,
religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, protected activity
or any other basis prohibited by law.
• Unreasonably interfering with work performance or creating an offensive
or intimidating working environment because of a person's race, color,
sex, pregnancy, religion, creed, national origin, age, disability, veteran
status, protected activity or any other basis prohibited by law.
• Engaging in unwelcome: flirtation, sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, propositions, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual
nature, or displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures or drawings, or
inappropriate E-mails.
• Conditioning a person's employment, evaluation, wages, advancement,
assigned duties, or any other condition of employment upon his or her
submission to sexual advances.
We prohibit retaliation against any individual who reports discrimination or
harassment, participates in an investigation of a complaint under this policy or
who otherwise acts to enforce or uphold this policy. Retaliation is a serious
violation of this policy and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to
and including dismissals. If you feel you are being retaliated against in violation
of this policy, please follow the complaint procedures outlined below. We cannot
take action to stop such behavior if we do not know about it. In the same manner,
false accusations have a damaging effect on the accused and will not be tolerated.
The act of making false accusations may lead to disciplinary actions. Questions
From A.P.S.O. employees regarding this procedure, should be addressed to the
Division Commander from within the division which the employee is assigned.
This policy applies to all applicants, employees and other workers. The Avoyelles
Parish Sheriff’s Office prohibits discrimination, harassment and retaliation by any
person, including but not limited to; supervisors, managers, co-workers, or non-
employees, such as vendors, consultants, clients or customers. Conduct prohibited
by these policies is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work-related setting
outside the workplace, such as business trips, business meetings, and business-
related social events.
• The Department requires you to report all incidents of discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation, regardless of the offender's identity or position. If you
feel you have been harassed or discriminated against, please follow the
procedure in Section, Reporting Procedures. Likewise, if you believe you have
witnessed behavior that violates this policy, regardless of whether the behavior
was directed at you, please immediately report the incident by following the
same procedure outlined below.
• Early reporting and intervention have proven to be the most effective method of
resolving actual or perceived incidents of discrimination, harassment or
retaliation. We cannot remedy a problem unless we know about it. Therefore,
while no fixed reporting period has been established, we strongly urge you to
report all incidents and concerns immediately so that rapid and constructive
action can be taken.
• Important notice to all employees: Employees who have experienced conduct
they believe is contrary to this policy have an obligation to take advantage of this
complaint procedure. Failure to fulfill this obligation could affect your rights in
pursuing legal action.
• The Department requires anyone who feels he/she has been a victim of
discrimination or harassment to report such incidents to the Chief Deputy who
serves as a neutral party in investigating the facts and circumstances of any
allegation. The Chief Deputy is a person officially designated and authorized to
conduct inquiries into equal employment opportunity complaints. The Chief
Deputy will conduct investigations as he sees fit. In the event that the Chief
Deputy is absent from duty, the Deputy Chief of Operations shall be designated
to act in his place for the length of the absence.
• If the Chief Deputy feels that the complaint would be better handled by another
individual, the Chief Deputy may seek the permission of the Sheriff to have
another investigating officer assigned to investigate the complaint. The assigned
investigating officer shall initiate an internal investigation. Complainants are
urged to report incidents as soon as possible, since a delay in reporting may
make it difficult to gather appropriate information and documentation.
• All complaints of harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation will be promptly
and thoroughly investigated. A clear written statement from the Complainant
assists the Chief Deputy in conducting the investigation and will be requested by
him. The investigation may include individual interviews with the parties
involved and, where necessary, with individuals who may have observed the
alleged conduct or who may have other relevant information. All employees
must cooperate fully during the investigation and provide all relevant
information concerning the investigation. The alleged offender should be
contacted during the investigation. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout
the investigation process to the extent possible and to the extent consistent with
our duty to prevent and correct harassment, discrimination and retaliation.
• An EEO Committee, whose purpose will be to review the findings and/or
recommendations of the Chief Deputy, will be appointed by the Sheriff and shall
be comprised of three members. Once the Chief Deputy or investigating officer
concludes the investigation, he will issue a fact-finding report, a preliminary
finding, or recommendation concerning the complaint, which will be provided to
the EEO Committee within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the
investigation, but not to exceed three (3) months, unless there are exigent
circumstances for the delay. The length of time spent by the Chief Deputy or
Investigating Officer in investigating the complaint, will depend on the severity
of the allegations, the number of persons to be interviewed, and general
availability of witnesses. Once the EEO Committee has received and reviewed
the Chief Deputy's report, findings or recommendation, the Committee will
determine whether there is reason to believe discrimination has occurred and
what, if any, action or remedy should be taken. The EEO Committee will then
submit a report to the Sheriff, who in tum will decide whether to affirm, reject,
or modify the EEO Committee's recommended actions. Should a decision be
made that the complaint does not warrant a finding of discrimination, the
complaining employee may file a charge with either the EEOC or LCHR. (This
option does not preclude, however, the requisite time requirements set by each
agency). The EEO officer will be responsible for maintaining all records and
documentation of each investigation for at least 2 years.
• If you believe you have been discriminated against or harassed and want to file a
complaint, you have the right to file a complaint directly with either:
Louisiana Commission on Human Rights
Post Office Box 94094
1001 North Twenty-Third Street,
Administrative Bldg., Rm. 262
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804
(225) 342-6969
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
New Orleans Field Office
1555 Poydras Street, Suite 1900
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
• A charge of discrimination in employment must be filed with the LCHR within
180 days or with the EEOC within 300 days of the alleged discriminatory act.
Filing a complaint through the internal procedure does not extend the deadline
for the internal procedure for filing a separate charge with the LCHR or the
EEOC. Employees wishing to file a complaint should contact those office's
directly within the requisite time limits.
• Any supervisor who receives a complaint of harassment, discrimination or
retaliation shall:
-Refer the complainant to the mandatory reporting procedures
-Instruct the complainant to continue to work
-Take steps to ensure that the complainant is not subjected to further
harassment, discrimination or retaliation. The complainant must not be
required to do anything other than report the alleged violation, cooperate
fully in the investigation and provide all relevant information concerning
the investigation.
-Advise the complainant that if future violations occur, he/she is to
directly inform the violator that the conduct is unwelcomed and must
stop, and further, to report the new violations in accordance with
established Reporting Procedures.
-Document the complaint
-If applicable, advise the violator to remove any offensive material
-Notify the appropriate Division Commander of the complaint and
forward a copy of the documentation to the Chief Deputy.
The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office and all its employees and elected officials shall comply with Louisiana State Law in regards to Sexual Harassment, specifically, R.S. 42:342. This includes both reporting any sexual harassment and actions that can and cannot be taken against those to be reported and those reporting the actions in question.
It is the belief of the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office that its employees are the primary means by which the goals and objectives of the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office will be met. All employees of the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office must understand its position on harassment. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, physical or inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature when the conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment or the holding of office, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace are prohibited by federal law through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and by state law through La. R.S. 23:301 et seq. These laws prohibit both quid pro quo harassment, which arises when consent to sexual demands is made an express or implied condition of employment, and hostile work environment harassment, which arises when the workplace is permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of the victim’s employment and created an abusive working environment.
Sexual harassment may be defined as unsolicited, offensive behavior that inappropriately asserts sexuality over employees including but not limited to the following
Verbal: Sexual innuendos, suggestive comments, threats, sexual humor
Non-Verbal: Leering, whistling, obscene gestures, showing inappropriate images
Physical: Touching, brushing the body, coerced sexual activity, assault, impeding egress or passage
Sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace shall not be tolerated and Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office will take appropriate action to end any such harassment and/or prevent the recurrence of any such misconduct.
If a person’s behavior makes an employee uncomfortable, the employee should feel free to immediately advise the person that, in the employee’s opinion, the behavior is inappropriate, and that the employee would like it stopped.
Any employee of Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office may file a complaint of sexual harassment. Any employee who believes he or she has been subjected to unlawful sexual harassment or has been retaliated against for reporting such activities or assisting in a related investigation of such activities, must report the alleged act immediately or as soon as possible. It is not necessary for an employee to complain to an offending supervisor in order to report sexual harassment. If, for whatever reason, the employee does not feel that the persons named in this paragraph are suitable persons to whom to report the incident, the employee should contact the Sheriff or his designee.
Whether or not a particular incident is sexual harassment requires a complete factual investigation, the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office will conduct such investigations on all complaints in a manner so as not to cause any serious effect on innocent employees who either file a complaint and/or may be the subject of a filed complaint. In all instances, a prompt and thorough investigation will take place, giving careful consideration to protect the rights and dignity of all persons involved.
It is mandatory that all parties to an allegation of sexual harassment participate in the investigation of the incident, and cooperation in the investigation of claims of harassment is an express element of each employee’s employment with the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office. The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office will take those steps it feels necessary to resolve the problem, which may include verbal or written reprimand, suspension or termination.
The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office will investigate by gathering information, in as confidential a manner as possible, given the need to investigate the complaint, from all concerned parties, and it will not retaliate against any employee as a result of reports of alleged harassment or cooperation with any investigation. The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office may consult its legal representative for assistance in determining whether conduct that has occurred does in fact constitute sexual harassment.
The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office may also make subsequent inquiries from time to time to ensure offensive conduct does not resume and/or that the subject of harassment has not suffered any retaliation.
No retaliation of any kind will be tolerated because an employee in good faith reports an incident of suspected harassment. The supervisor, or other person to whom the complaint was made, will work to establish mutually agreed upon safeguards against retaliation while attempting to mediate any sexual harassment complaint.
Any employee, manager, or supervisor found by the Parish to have unlawfully sexually harassed, or unlawfully retaliated, against another employee will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including termination. If any employee, manager or supervisor is found by the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office to have intentionally made a false allegation of sexual harassment, that individual will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including termination.
Regardless of the outcome of the investigation by the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office, a complainant may pursue a claim under state and/or federal law.
Pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statute 42:343, each elected official and each public servant is required to receive a minimum of one hour of education and training on preventing sexual harassment during each year of his public employment or term of office, as the case may be. Additionally, the parish will comply with the State laws of the mandatory reporting of those who have and have not completed their training per year (R.S. 42:344).
Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training
Pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statute 42:343, each elected official and each public servant is required to receive a minimum of one hour of education and training on preventing sexual harassment during each year of his public employment or term of office, as the case may be. Additionally, the parish will comply with the State laws of the mandatory reporting of those who have and have not completed their training per year (R.S. 42:344).
Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office Sexual Harassment Policy
The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office and all its employees and elected officials shall comply with Louisiana State Law in regards to Sexual Harassment, specifically, R.S. 42:342. This includes both reporting any sexual harassment and actions that can and cannot be taken against those to be reported and those reporting the actions in question.
It is the belief of the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office that its employees are the primary means by which the goals and objectives of the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office will be met. All employees of the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office must understand its position on harassment. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, physical or inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature when the conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment or the holding of office, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace are prohibited by federal law through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and by state law through La. R.S. 23:301 et seq. These laws prohibit both quid pro quo harassment, which arises when consent to sexual demands is made an express or implied condition of employment, and hostile work environment harassment, which arises when the workplace is permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of the victim’s employment and created an abusive working environment.
Sexual harassment may be defined as unsolicited, offensive behavior that inappropriately asserts sexuality over employees including but not limited to the following
Verbal: Sexual innuendos, suggestive comments, threats, sexual humor
Non-Verbal: Leering, whistling, obscene gestures, showing inappropriate images
Physical: Touching, brushing the body, coerced sexual activity, assault, impeding egress or passage
Sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace shall not be tolerated and Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office will take appropriate action to end any such harassment and/or prevent the recurrence of any such misconduct.
If a person’s behavior makes an employee uncomfortable, the employee should feel free to immediately advise the person that, in the employee’s opinion, the behavior is inappropriate, and that the employee would like it stopped.
Any employee of Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office may file a complaint of sexual harassment. Any employee who believes he or she has been subjected to unlawful sexual harassment or has been retaliated against for reporting such activities or assisting in a related investigation of such activities, must report the alleged act immediately or as soon as possible. It is not necessary for an employee to complain to an offending supervisor in order to report sexual harassment. If, for whatever reason, the employee does not feel that the persons named in this paragraph are suitable persons to whom to report the incident, the employee should contact the Sheriff or his designee.
Whether or not a particular incident is sexual harassment requires a complete factual investigation, the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office will conduct such investigations on all complaints in a manner so as not to cause any serious effect on innocent employees who either file a complaint and/or may be the subject of a filed complaint. In all instances, a prompt and thorough investigation will take place, giving careful consideration to protect the rights and dignity of all persons involved.
It is mandatory that all parties to an allegation of sexual harassment participate in the investigation of the incident, and cooperation in the investigation of claims of harassment is an express element of each employee’s employment with the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office. The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office will take those steps it feels necessary to resolve the problem, which may include verbal or written reprimand, suspension or termination.
The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office will investigate by gathering information, in as confidential a manner as possible, given the need to investigate the complaint, from all concerned parties, and it will not retaliate against any employee as a result of reports of alleged harassment or cooperation with any investigation. The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office may consult its legal representative for assistance in determining whether conduct that has occurred does in fact constitute sexual harassment.
The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office may also make subsequent inquiries from time to time to ensure offensive conduct does not resume and/or that the subject of harassment has not suffered any retaliation.
No retaliation of any kind will be tolerated because an employee in good faith reports an incident of suspected harassment. The supervisor, or other person to whom the complaint was made, will work to establish mutually agreed upon safeguards against retaliation while attempting to mediate any sexual harassment complaint.
Any employee, manager, or supervisor found by the Parish to have unlawfully sexually harassed, or unlawfully retaliated, against another employee will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including termination. If any employee, manager or supervisor is found by the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office to have intentionally made a false allegation of sexual harassment, that individual will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including termination.
Regardless of the outcome of the investigation by the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office, a complainant may pursue a claim under state and/or federal law.