10/31/2022 Halloween – Sex Offender Checks

Halloween – Sex Offender Checks   

On October 31, 2022, a cooperative effort by the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff’s Office (APSO) and the Louisiana Probation & Parole Agents made Avoyelles Parish a little safer this past Halloween.  Both agencies made unannounced visits to sex offenders under supervision by both agencies.  We both worked to contact numerous sex offenders throughout the Parish in an effort to verify their location and activities on that night.  We each familiarized ourselves with the other agency’s list of offenders in case we came into contact with one the other agency was looking for and looked for them engaged in prohibited activities such as giving out candy to children or participating in activities with children.

Sheriff David L. Dauzat would like to thank the LA Probation & Parole Agents, the APSO Staff, and the law enforcement agencies across the Parish that worked diligently to keep you and your children safe and do what they can to help prevent more children from becoming victims.

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