06/13/2022 – Beware of Scammers – Recent Mail Scam

Beware of Scammers – Recent Mail Scam

Avoyelles Parish Sheriff David L. Dauzat would like to warn you that scammers are apparently pretending to be affiliated with law enforcement officers/agencies and call or mail residents to get their money.

The Sheriff’s Office was recently made aware that there have been mailings made in attempts to defraud citizens of funds.  It has been reported that the scammers mailed the targeted victim with a letter that displayed “RE: DAUZAT SHERIFF, Purchase date of 07/2020, Potential lapse of warranty coverage” insinuating the letter is valid or credible to trick people.  Close inspection of the mailing will reveal they seek to sell you American Home Protect “coverage”.

Sheriff David L. Dauzat wants you to know we will in no case ask that a citizen purchase home protection coverage, extended vehicle coverage, or any other similar type of coverage.  We do not conduct this type of business and citizens should be very cautious not to provide any personal or financial details to them.

One of the numbers that the reported scammers have listed is 1-855-277-3562. If you Google search this “company’s” phone number, you will see multiple scam alerts. Often these criminals use spoofed numbers or “burner” phones.  The numbers that they call from may change frequently to avoid detection.


We would like to offer a few tips to spot and avoid scams.


Types of Mail Fraud:

Fraud against Older Americans, Sweepstakes and Lottery Fraud, Telemarketing Fraud, Financial Fraud, etc.…

Types of Scams:

IRS Imposter Scams, Online Dating Scams, You’ve Won Scams, etc.…



  • Don’t answer a call from a number you do not recognize. Let it go to voice mail and then listen to it later.
  • Robo-callers are used to verify that your number is a working number, which opens you up to receiving other scam calls.
  • If you do answer and it’s a Robo-caller or believe it to be a scam, just hang up without saying anything. Don’t press any buttons or give any information.



Mail scammers will try to get you to cooperate with their scheme in various ways – ranging from exciting offers to intimidating threats. Regardless of their message, the goal of a mail scam is to get you to either send money or provide your personal information. Any fraud that uses the U.S. Mail — whether it originates in the mail, by phone, or online—is mail fraud.

Below are common warning signs of a mail scam:

  • A claim that you have been specially selected
  • A request that you “confirm your personal information”
  • A request for payment by means other than a credit card – including cash, gift card(s), wire transfer, or private courier
  • Use of suspicious official-looking documents or fake government seals
  • A request for your credit card or other payment method for “shipping and handling”
  • Use of threats if you don’t comply – even the threat of arrest


As an additional reminder, the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff’s Office will never call to demand immediate payment over the telephone, or any of the following:

  • Call or email you to verify your identity by asking for personal or financial information.
  • Ask for your credit or debit card numbers over the telephone or email.
  • Demand that you meet someone to make a payment away from the window at the administrative offices.

If you recognize these warning signs and suspect a scam, file a complaint with the U.S. Postal Inspector Service (mail), The FBI (internet), The Louisiana Attorney General’s Office (phone), The Avoyelles Parish Sheriff’s Office, or your local law enforcement agency.

See below for scam reporting websites:





See photos of a recent mail scam in Avoyelles.

Mail Scam 06.13.2022 Page 1
Mail Scam 06.13.2022 Page 1
Mail Scam 06.13.2022 Page 2
Mail Scam 06.13.2022 Page 2

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