12/19/2022 – Rain and Arctic Air Headed Our Way

Rain and Arctic Air Headed Our Way

Avoyelles Parish Sheriff David L. Dauzat would like to notify everyone in Avoyelles Parish to prepare for the frigid conditions heading toward us.  As you may know, the National Weather Service is predicting rain and a surge of arctic air with temperatures as low as 16 degrees arriving in Avoyelles on Thursday, December 22, 2022.  As we know, these conditions are a recipe for dangerous icy roads, water outages, and power outages.  Please plan ahead.  Winterize your vehicles, wrap your pipes, prepare shelter and other accommodations for your animals and pets, and gather necessities now.  Your plan should include such things as generators, fuel, bottled water, and batteries.  Please pay close attention to the weather warnings and public service announcements. Travel only if necessary.  Please do not drive unless it is necessary during these conditions.  Expect hazardous road conditions.  Some roads and bridges will be icy.  Driving in these conditions can be unsafe and may be deadly.

Sheriff David L. Dauzat assures you that the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff’s Office will work through these conditions.  We will provide you with law enforcement and public safety services to the best of our ability.

Prepare Now.  Be Safe.

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