In December 2021, Avoyelles Parish Sheriff’s Office Investigators began searching for 47-year-old David W. Simpson II of Mansura, LA. Simpson was wanted by APSO on multiple arrest warrants and was a person of interest in other crimes being investigated by APSO. APSO shared this information with Mansura Police Department.
On Monday, March 14, 2022, at approximately 1230 hours, Mansura Police Chief, John Johnson, contacted Sheriff David Dauzat and asked if APSO was still actively searching for David W. Simpson II because he was observed passing through Mansura. Sheriff Dauzat acknowledged that the warrants were still active. Sheriff Dauzat requested Chief Johnson stop and detain Simpson until APSO personnel could arrive on scene. A Mansura PD Officer stopped Simpson in a 2000 Chevrolet Silverado on Cocoville Road near LA 1. Shortly thereafter, APSO Deputies and Detectives arrived on-scene.
Further investigation by APSO and Mansura PD lead to the recovery of a firearm reportedly stolen in Houston, Texas.
Simpson was arrested by APSO Deputies for four (4) 12th Judicial District Court Contempt of Court – Failure to Appear Arrest Warrants for ten (10) traffic offenses committed in 2020-2021 and Mansura PD arrested Simpson for Illegal Possession of a Stolen Firearm. Simpson was booked into the APSO DC-1 Jail Facility in Marksville, LA. Simpson’s Bond was set at $5,000.00. Simpson bonded out on March 16, 2022.
Sheriff David L. Dauzat wants to thank the Mansura Police Department, and the APSO Deputies and Detectives for their vigilance and great team work. He also wants the people of Avoyelles to know that we are proactively patrolling the Parish and working with our law enforcement partners in an effort to protect your property and apprehend criminals. If anyone has information about thefts, burglaries or any other crime in Avoyelles, please contact the Avoyelles Parish Sheriff’s Office at 318-253-4000.